Tuesday, November 19, 2013


An eagle made a nest on top of the tree while a fox dug a hole to live at the base of the same tree. They have promised to be good friends and to look out for each other always. But one day while the fox was out hunting for food, the eagle Snead down and snatched a kid to bring back as food for her baby chicks. The fox came back to find her kid missing. She knew that the eagle has snatched it so she begged the eagle to return her kid , but no matter how much the fox begged, the eagle ignored the fox's plea. The fox was very angry and so she gathered pieces of wood and set fire to the base of the tree.

The eagle saw the tree was burning and the smoke pouring onto its nest. Fearing for its own chick's safety, the eagle realised how the fox must have felt and quickly returned the kid back to the fox.

Moral: A man realities others' pains when he himself is going through one. 

- The END -

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