Thursday, November 14, 2013


A long time ago, there lived a herd of elephants in Himalaya. The king of elephants was kind and popular among the elephants in the herd. In the forest, a mother bird built a nest and lived a happy life. In the nest, there were baby birds who had just hatched. One day, the mother bird knew that the elephant herd would pass through the forest, where she lived, which made her have terrible fear. The mother bird flew to the king of elephants without delay. "Oh! Elephant of the Best," she implored the king. "Please don't step on my nest. May you be kind to my little babies." "Don't worry, Little Bird," the king politely replied, "we will not hurt them." When the herd arrived at the nest, the King of elephants stood to protect the nest and ordered all the elephants to pass through, not causing any harm to the baby birds. 

Before leaving, the King reminded the mother bird of a cruel elephant who also lived in that forest. One day, when the mother bird was looking for food, she saw an elephant walking toward her nest. She flew to the elephant and implored, "My Lord! Please do not step on my nest!" "Hey, little bird," the cruel elephant shouted hoarsely, "How rude you are! I will trample any thing I find in my way." Then, the cruel elephant suddenly walked to the bird's nest and trample the little baby birds, cruelly killing all of them. The female bird was very shocked by what had happened to her babies. 

The mother bird, with bitter anger, told the cruel elephant, "Shit! Fucking cruel  elephant! I will one day take revenge for my babies' death." The cruel elephant, having heard the insult and intention, burst out laughing. "You are too small" mocked the elephant. "How can you harm me?" After that, the elephant walked away. As the time went by, the bird thought,"How can I give lesson to the unkind and cruel elephant?" She had a plan by making friendship with a crow. The mother bird tried hard and attentively to work for the crow. The crow was very pleased with the mother bird's effort. 

The crow said to the bird, "You work hard enough for me. I will be happy if I can do something for you to return the favor." When the mother bird heard this offer, she told the crow about her sad story and she requested to peck the eyes of the elephant who had killed her babies. The crow agreed to help the mother bird and set a date to look for the cruel elephant. After that, the bird continued with another plan. She went to the bees to ask them to sting both eyes of the cruel elephant. 

"No problem," The bees replied. "We will do what you want to." The mother bird thanked the bees and left. Next day, the mother bird flew to a pond filled with clear water where a frog lived. She asked the frog to jump to the top of mountain and croaked when seeing the cruel elephant passing. The frog felt doubt about the mother bird's plan, but agreed to help her because she was his friend. One day, when the cruel elephant was walking in the forest, the crow pecked both eyes of elephant until bleeding. 

Then, the bees stung the two eyes of the cruel elephant. The elephant became blind and suffered from unbearable pain. After that, the cruel elephant wandered aimlessly, without water and food. One day, the cruel elephant heard the frog croaking, "Croak! Croak! Croak! Croak!" The elephant walked toward the sound, hoping to reach a pond where he could drink water to slake his thirst.
- END -

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