Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Once upon a time, there was a duck who wanted to know how the human live. Duck called Frog to explore in a farmer's kitchen. Duck saw the house open and then told Frog, "Let's go inside". "Is it possible?" asked Frog. Duck pushed Frog and said, "Go in -very quickly".

Duck and Frog went to the kitchen and lean that the house was just cleaned because the wooden floor was still wet. Duck saw the sink was full of water. "this bucket is full of water too, " Frog added Duck jumped into the sink for a swim. While Frog leap into the bucket of water for cleaning the house. "It is not happy like my pond," Frog said Suddenly, the farmer's wife came back into the house. She pulled the mop out of the bucket and saw Frog in her bucket." Go out! Go far away," she shouted at Frog. Frog leap out of the bucket, and at the same time, Duck shouted to the frog, "Frog! Look out!". ... plop! Frog over jumped and landed in an opened teapot. Frog didn't like the taste of tea at all. What could the duck do? How could Duck get Frog out of the teapot? The duck said" Oh dear! Poor frog is trapped in this teapot". 

The farmer's wife saw Frog land into the teapot, and she took it and threw outside. Frog cried, Help! Where am I going to? ". Duck replied "Frog! Don't be worried".

Duck and Frog came back to the pond and decided not to go exploring again because the pond was the safest place.

- The END - 

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